What really happened until we experience this dizziness?
Usually the layman differentiate into several types of headaches, such as dizziness when standing suddenly, dizzy, floating, and others. Dizziness is actually composed of two kinds. First is the condition when the patient feels any object that is in front of him and around him is moving or spinning. Second is the condition of the patient to feel like walking on clouds, body feels light and unstable.
While based on the cause, in outline, dizziness can be caused by two things, namely dizziness arising as a result of abnormalities in the brain, and dizziness caused by abnormalities in the ear.
In the inner ear there are two semicircular canal and vestibule are responsible for managing the balance. There are also a snail that serves to capture the sound or the sense of hearing. Both of these functions coexist.
Cerebellum duty to control all kinds of commands or impulse that comes from the eyes, other body parts, especially the organ of balance control devices contained in the ear. With this, the cerebellum plays a major role in maintaining posture and balance of the human body. So if there is disorder or disturbance, especially in the cerebellum or organ regulating keseimbagan contained in the ear, will cause dizziness.
Dizziness caused by a disturbance in the ear, along with deteriorating organ function and membrane stabilizer drum. That will be felt is the ringing in the ears and hearing loss. An example of this is Meniere's syndrome and hearing disorders that arise suddenly. While the types of headaches that are not accompanied by impaired hearing include BPPV (Benign Positional Vertigo Paroxymal) and inflammation of the vestibule.
While dizziness caused by brain disorders caused by the deterioration of blood flow in the artery that served to send nutrients and acid elements. It can be caused by stress or narrowing of the arteries. This situation can cause a variety of disorders of the brain, such as hemorrhage, infarction, cancer, and other illnesses that can be life-threatening.
How to deal with this headache?
At the time dizziness, usually the patient will experience severe headaches, nausea or vomiting sometimes up. Besides shaking people's hands and feet, and objects in front of the eyes look double. In more serious cases, even the patient to lose consciousness. When symptoms arise serious or unusual as it is, there may be interference with the brain, such as cerebral hemorrhage or infarction. Therefore, in such situations it is advisable to take the patient to hospital as soon as possible.
If the headache is felt not too severe, the patient first aid is to put him in a quiet place. After the dizziness felt diminished, wiggle your head slowly, and trying to find a position that will eliminate the dizziness. After the patient calm, take it to an ENT to get a checkup.
According to the study, more than half of the causes of dizziness originating from disorders of the ear. That Meniere's syndrome (22%), BPPV (16%), inflammation of the nerve vestibule (7%), and sudden hearing loss (4%). The rest are caused by disturbances in the brain or not known exactly when examined.
Adaberbagai sorts of ways to avoid dizziness, by diligent exercise, especially swimming. When swimming, in addition to the whole body moves, the skin will get enough stimulation from water temperature and water pressure
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